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Glossary of botanical term
홈 > 쇼핑몰 > 식물용어사전


나무사랑 0 2252
영명 : trichome
한자 : 毛茸

식물의 줄기, 잎, 꽃, 뿌리 등에 나는 털, 비늘, 돌기의 총칭. 식물의 주요성분을 추출할때 모용에 특히 많이 함유되어있음이 밝혀져 주요하게 취급하는 식물기관이다.

[식물의 지상부 털을 표현하는 영문]

  • glabrous, glabrate – lacking hairs or trichomes; surface smooth
  • hirsute – coarsely hairy
  • hispid – having bristly hairs
  • downy – having an almost wool-like covering of long hairs
  • pilose – pubescent with long, straight, soft, spreading or erect hairs
  • puberulent – minutely pubescent; having fine, short, usually curly, hairs
  • pubescent – bearing hairs or trichomes of any type
  • strigillose – minutely strigose
  • strigose – having straight hairs all pointing in more or less the same direction as along a margin or midrib
  • tomentellous – minutely tomentose
  • tomentose – covered with dense, matted, woolly hairs
  • villosulous – minutely villous
  • villous – having long, soft hairs, often curved, but not matted